Sunday, 31 January 2016

Starlight Express Get In 29th-31th

To test all the radio mics were working me and Sol had to test them
 individually by speaking into them.

We needed to hang the hanging miss so we suspended them
using someone putting their hand up on tip toes as a marker and
hung them, then we taped them along the rig.
We also had to gooseneck the hanging mics so they pointed towards
the cast.

We had to power up the radio mic channels using a daisy chain of
16 amp connectors.
We could see where the mics corresponded
as they appeared in orange when they were turned on. However
we realised that the units were the wrong way round as the
orange one in this picture is mic 1.
I placed all the headsets on the mic and placed them in the holder, However
they were getting quite tangled I need to find a better solution.
I also labelled up a pouch for old and new batteries. 
I could see what mic it was as it appeared on the display this
is number 8.
I tried using tan tape on Sol but it came off easily instead I used
a white tape that was less easily moved.
The mic don't have pop shields and sit on the face like this.

We will tape the back wire like this on the cast.

 Health and Safety (Sun)
As a cable was missing as a temporary fix the comms had to be fixed across the
tunnel making a trip hazard. It had a warning of the chair over it.

The tired seating has a slight lip on the stairs if not seen it could become a trip hazard.

When people were climbing the ladder it's important to spot the person, wear a hard hat and put your foot on.


When we had to flip the speakers I made sure I put chalk on the original position
so we could put it directly back.

The speaker tie was left on the floor and became a trip hazard.

We wore high visibility jackets to ensure we could be seen in the working environment .

The speakers were over hanging the stage block which created a
hazard as they could be knocked easily and not fully supported.

I spent most of the day preparing the programme for print.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Lunch: Meeting With Mr Coombes

Today I went to see Mr Coombes and we discussed front of house arrangements and we had a tour of the tent.

We discussed the following points:

  • He is going to send me the menus to be printed miniature
  • He has done all the signs apart from the pre order drinks and the merchandise list, I need to send this to him to go to print when done
  • The hanging lights the electricians will do but I can over see this,
  • We can use spray paint and stencil the bar (I need to call multi signs about this) 
  • The tables are arriving on the 5th Feb, then the chairs are already here which I will build over the get in
  • The carpet for FOH isn't being laid yet as it will be ruined. So the 4th Feb (thurs the carpet will be laid for me to spend all day Friday installing the FOH area
  • We decided to place the entertainment my by the RSAf stall
  • On Monday the 8th I will need to oversee the installing of the beer
  • For the merchandise I need stage blocks and decorate it with table cloths
  • Mr Coombes would also like a cloakroom in the end of the runner tunnel so I need to email Nicki and ask her for extra staff to man this
  • I also need to ask DLG for rails.
  • The sponsor sign will be behind the bar
  • There is a disabled loo
  • During the get in I will attach wire from art to all the posters and signs

I also called Hampshire printers to determine how they want me to format the document for print. They said.
  • To send the PDF with no bleed marks and will sort overlapping
Multi Signs.
  • They have the logo already and can manipulate it in anyway 
  • A vinyl sticker would be £25
  • However we decided we couldn't get precise definition so he said he's gonna do whatever I decide
  • I talked to Andy and we decided to get large stickers printed for the bar ( I will ring Monday as it has a 2 day turnaround)

Programme: Getting to Proof

This morning I had a meeting with Mr Hawkins where we went through the programme and identified errors to adjust. We also realised during the get in tomorrow principals we need to be re shot (those who aren't wearing black tshirts) in tutor and at lunch have a staff production team photo.

To do:
  • Identify the girl in carriages
  • Note down the steams order at the shoot tomorrow
  • Consequently do renaming of page 2 tomorrow

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Act 2 Run Through Notes- 26/01/16

  1. The Rap- Hip hoppers, Electra, Greaseball, Rusty, Caboose
  2. Uncoupled- Greaseball, Pearl, Coaches 
  3. Girls Rolling Stock- Coaches
  4. Dinah You've Been Honoured-Components, coaches, caboose, grease ball,elecetra 
  5. Race Three- Control, grease ball, Electra, Rusty
  6. Terrorising Rusty- Components 
  7. Right Place Right Time- Rusty, hip Hoppers
  8. Rusty Alone- Rusty
  9. Starlight Sequence-Rusty, Poppa
  10. Rusty and Dustin-Rusty, Dustin
  11. Dinahs Disco-Electra, Dinah
  12. Pre Race 4- Control, Greaseball, Pearl, Rusty
  13. Race 4- Control 
  14. One Rock and Roll too Many- Greaseball, Caboose, electra
  15. After Rock and Roll- Control, Poppa
  16. I do- Pearl, rusty
  17. Long Live Rusty- Greaseball, Dinah, Rusty, Electra, Steam
  18. Light at the End of the Tunnel- Full cast
  19. Mega Mix- Full cast

Act 1 Run Rehearsal Notes- 14/01/16

Sound ASM

No Handhelds!

Radio Mic
Hanging Mic

  1. Overture Entry of National Trains- Control on stage and Emily off stage
  2. Rolling Stock- Greaseball on stage, control (goes off stage at start), Diesels
  3. After Rolling Stock- International trains, Rusty, Coaches
  4. Rusty Cannot be Serious- All coaches
  5. Whole Lotta Locomotion- Coaches
  6. He'll Whistle at Me- Pearl and carriages
  7. Frieght is Great- Coaches, trucks, and gangs 
  8. AC/DC- Components, Electra, Electrics
  9. Pumping Iron- Greaseball, diesels 
  10. Coda of Freight - Electra and grease ball, coaches, cast
  11. Hitching and Switching- Pearl and Rusty
  12. Crazy- Carriages and Rusty
  13. Pearl You've Been Honoured- Pearl and Rusty, Coaches
  14. Make up My Heart- Pearl
  15. Race 1- International trains 
  16. Poppas Blues- Poppa, hip hopper, steamers, Toby (harmonica)
  17. Starlight Short- Rusty, poppa, hip hoppers, steamers
  18. Race 2- Poppa, international trains 
  19. Laughing Stock-  Greaseball, hip hopper, Rusty, Poppa, Electra, Coaches
  20. Starlight Express- Rusty



Talking Points for Meeting With Mr Coombes this week

I would like to discuss the following points with him:

  • Can I have mini menu
  • So far there are seats signs, directional toilet sign (needed?), merch pricing, pre order drinks, warning slide- am I getting these printed at Hampshire?
  • Stencil and spray paint ok?
  • When are the tables arriving
  • When are chairs arriving
  • What will the flooring be?
  • Can the entertainment be covering the tunnel?
*I've printed this off to fill in the responses and have emailed to arrange a time*

Friday Get In Action Plan

Front of House Action Plan:

  • P1: I need to move the jars and lights into the tent
  • P2: I will take the posters to Graphics and attach wire to hang them in front of house.\
  • P3+4: I will take the A3 posters to place in reception, music and 6th form.
  • P5: If the uplighters or tables have arrived I will place them around Front of House

*I need to further talk to Mr Coombes about the nature of the tent flooring and when the tables are arriving, so this will be subject to change*


Last night at rehersal I talked to Andy and he told me to call Hampshire printers to get a lead time on the programme and to see if we can get a stencil cut at Hampshire as the tech vinyl sticker machine is broken.

I also sent Ms Hill the renewed FOH seat sign

I found out the following from the call:

  • The final artwork for the programme needs to be sent by Friday for delivery for the 5th Feb
  • Also I need to send them the stencil cut out ASAP
  • Mr Hawkins would like the current proof of the programme sent to him today and for me to add the extra information in tonight
  • Andy is putting the order on so I can upload the artwork when it's ready

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Meeting With Hawkins-P6

  • I need to organise the cast members into their gangs
  • Look at when required for rehearsals (I wrote this in my planner earlier)
  • Talk to Mr Hawkins about coursework deadlines
  • Bournemouth Eco are coming in
  • Wear sensible shoes and clothing for get in and Thursday morning
  • Here until 7-8 and have takeaway!

Printing List (Designs that still need designing)

I'm emailing the finished signs to Mrs Atwill and Ms Hill. I'm also going to email Mr Coombes concerning the toilets and bar signs.


  • Little Menus printed for the tables (x 10)
  • Row Signs for above the door - 'Seats 1-15 R, Seats 16-33 L'
  • Price boards for Merchandise
  • Little individual price tickets
  • First name  badges for FOH staff
  • Toliet signs
  • Pre ordering drinks sign
  • Programme
  • Strobe warning sign
  • Memorabilia poster
  • Printing List (To go to print)

  • Little Menus printed for the tables (x 10)
  • Row Signs for above the door - 'Seats 1-15 R, Seats 16-33 L'
  • Price boards for Merchandise
  • Little individual price tickets
  • First name  badges for FOH staff
  • Toliet signs
  • Pre ordering drinks sign
  • Programme
  • Strobe warning sign
  • Memorabilia poster
  • FOH Meeting

    To do:
    • Work on FOH staff briefing with Ms Hill and Sam
    • Do the stencil for bar (talk to Andy)

    I need to ask Mr Hawkins:

    • What shall the bar staff wear
    • Confirm the printing list I'll draw up
    • Is there a disabled toilet in the tent?
    • Can the bar be cash and card
    • Programme sales in house?
    • Can someone compile the names in the selected gangs

    Signage To Design:

    • Little Menus printed for the tables (x 10)
    • Row Signs for above the door - 'Seats 1-15 R, Seats 16-33 L'
    • Price boards for Merchandise and little individual price tickets
    • First name  badges for FOH staff (the office will print this and attach the badge slots)
    • Toliet signs (check with Sam if Unisex or gender)
    • Pre ordering drinks sign

    Monday, 25 January 2016

    To Do list

  • Look up magnet unit price: The unit price is 65p per unit
  • Source frame and pens
  • Finalise poster design
  • Draw up initial FOH placing plan (inc signs and posters)
  • Insert blurb into programme ( will do this tomorrow morning)
  • Email Mr Hawkins with what else I need for the programme
  • I'm meeting Ms Hill and Mrs Atwill at P1

  • Frame and Pen Sourcing

    Silver Pens:

    This pack contains 2 pens and can be delivered within a week. The delivery charge is £1.50 so the total cost is £3


    These pens are £1.90 with free delivery, they can be delivered in 2 days.

    3. Due to the high mark up on these products I talked to reception about the wholesale suppliers they use. I'm going to look on the county suppliers website they use, reception sent me the order form, orders are sent every Thursday and take a week to arrive so I aim to have talked to Mr Hawkins about it by then.

    The pens are £1 each, and there isn't a wholesale discount with them. This also has free delivery.


    This frame is £4.99 with £4.95, we need two of these frames for the 2 merchandise stands.
    This frame is £7.90 and £3.48 delivery.
    This frame is £10 and I can collect it for free in store.
    next day delivery is £2.90 and the frame is £5.49.

    I will talk to Mr Hawkins about these options tomorrow.

    To Do Today

    • Look up magnet unit price
    • Source frame and pens
    • Finalise poster design
    • Draw up initial FOH placing plan (inc signs and posters)
    • Insert blurb into programme
    • Email Mr Hawkins with what else I need for the programme

    The lights have arrived!

    FOH meeting with Mr Hawkins and viewing the tent

    For my conversation with Ms Hill tomorrow we discussed the following points:

    • Merch Price: Programmes- £2, Memorabilia posters- £2.50, magnets- (need to look up unit price)
    • We are creating A3 memorabilia  posters , we will order 250 units from Hampshire printers, I need to add the 2016 date to the original poster then I will send this today for Mr Hawkins to finalise. I also need to source silver marker pens to sell and a frame to insert a 'show' copy which I need to get the principals to sign.
    • For the lights they arrived and came with 3 AA batteries however after each show when the batteries are removed I will collect them to keep and change when these starter ones run out.
    • There is entertainment and I need to organise where I will place them.

    Lesson 3 + 4

    To ask Mr Hawkins this lesson/ to do:
    • Discuss points for my meeting with Mrs Hill (which I will email her about)
    • After my email from finance I need to ask Mr Hawkins if he would like to order 10 magnets or 500 ( He said 500 so I emailed finance back saying this)
    • I also need to gather more programme information
    • Look at ticket numbers
    • The screensaver has been put on, this will help to boost and sale the last remaining tickets
    Tickets left:
    • Tuesday - 6 seats (single seats)
    • Wednesday - 2 seats (single seats)
    • Thursday - SOLD OUT 
    • Friday - 2 seats (single seats)
    • Saturday  - 6 seats (single seats)
    • Saturday (Gala) - 4 seats (single seats)
     20 seats are left over the whole run

    Friday, 22 January 2016

    Flashing Lights Warning Sign

    I will check Monday if this ok for Mr Hawkins

    Meeting With Mr Hawkins P2

    Things I've Done:

    • Finalised the advertising slide and sent it to Isaac to be put on 
    • Ordered the magnets (order has gone through with Andy)
    • Lights have been ordered 
    • During the lesson Mr Hawkins and I went through the acknowledgments now we just have to add our sponsors and double check spellings before I put it in the programme, we did this on Excel so I can easily input the info.

    To Do:

    • I need to create the flashing lights warning sign for front of house, I will do that now.
    • We have decided Friday (29th Jan) will be the first full draft for the programme.
    • I realised the cast list doesn't have to be in Excel as they aren't going to be 2 collums down, they'll be underneath the picture.
    • I need to get the sponsor list off Mr Coombes and put my font on.
    • On the past production slides I need to make a few adjustments- Need all the logos they used (talk to dLG) , I also need the sining in the rain content 

    Past Production Slides

    In Period 1 today I finished the past production slides, I will ask Mr Hawkins if he likes them next lesson.

    The black hasn't blended I will have to fix this and blend them in my own time.
    There is also this problem with the We Will Rock You one.

    Advertising Slide for School

    I emailed Mr Hawkins to check if the slide I did was ok, he emailed back saying if I take away the capitals on the 'book go to' then it would be perfect.

    Final slide

    Thursday, 21 January 2016

    After School

    • I have emailed Isaac asking if the slide in PDF format is ok (I will design this and send the proof to Mr Hawkins now)
    • I have also emailed Mrs Hill to arrange a time next week to meet and discuss FOH arrangements
    • After I have completed this I will design the past production slides.

    The Slide:

    I have started to modify the past production slides so they're more personalised in each show.



    Table Cloth Research

    I am looking into cloth table cloths as they need to dress the tables, I am continuing researching them online.

    1. These are £2.49 per unit excluding VAT (Inc = £2.98), they qualify for free next day delivery too.

    2. These are £4.99 a piece with £4.99 delivery.

    I double checked with Mr Hawkins and he doesn't want tablecloths.

    Ticket Sales

    Mr Hawkins has asked me to look at ticket sales currently (21/01/16)- Seats left:

    • Tuesday - 81 seats
    • Wednesday - 36 seats
    • Thursday - 5 seats
    • Friday - 2 seats
    • Saturday  - 6 seats
    • Saturday (Gala) - 6 seats

    Tickets need to be pushed for the first two nights, we do have 2 weeks left to sell these tickets, I will discuss this lesson with Mr Hawkins how we will achieve this.

    The link for ticket sales:

    -Mr Hawkins and I decided to do a screensaver for the school computers to help push tickets, I need to contact Isaac in year 11 to set this up. ( I will do this tonight to go on the system before the weekend)

    Unit 72- Starlight Ramps

    The ramp was too tall so we need to cut the excess.

    We measured the excess and then using a wooden guide cut down using a hand saw
     to achieve the perfect height.

    We then had to cut the lip of the ramps out of steel sheets using a guillotine.

    I had to wear protective gloves to ensure I didn't cut myself on the sheet.

    Measuring 150mm we created a guide to help the steel cut. However due to the
    motion and the material it would try and warp making an uneven cut.

    These were the steel sheet lips we cut.

    Wednesday, 20 January 2016

    P 5 +6 and meeting with dLG

    Meeting With dLG:
    • I need to formulate a risk assessment for the FOH ( however I need to wait until I have visited this space sometime next week )
    • The team I'm managing is FOH
    • I need to arrange with the manager of FOH (Mrs Hill) to talk through arrange FOH, I will this lesson email her to arrange this.
    Yesterday I brought the 12 jars for Starlight from Ikea, I also today sent the order  to Andy for 10 sets of 'Starlights'

    I need to order 10 table cloths for the metal tables, I will source these from Amazon as they're a registered supplier , yet I will look for high street shops where I can easily buy them.

    This table cloth does have a high unit cost, however whilst looking at Dunelm I was inspired to look at the Range for cheaper lights, I found some for £2.99 and I can order them online yet the company is not on the system so I called Dorchester to see if they had any in stock, no store in the country had more than 5 so I ordered them online. They are of a higher quality and cost £2 per unit less, I did have to pay £5 delivery however this meant as they're from a reputable company and will be delivered promptly.

    I will keep on researching table cloths this week, they will need to be ordered by Friday.

    Lesson 1 + 2

    • Firstly I'm going to further research 'star lights' but if I can find nothing cheaper I will buy 10 of the cheaper supplier of the lights I ordered.
    • Due to time constraints the keyring order cannot be fulfilled so we are looking into printing A3 memorabilia posters (we don't need a deadline for these unit 4th Feb as they have a 24 hour turnaround)
    1. I found these in Poundland, they are the 1/5 of the price of the other lights, so are preferable.

    None of the stores had the lights available
    2. These are the cheapest and most efficient and are only £3 a piece, with free delivery. However they do need 3 batteries. : However they cannot be delivered until the end of Feb!

    3. These have the quickest delivery time and will be here by the 1st Feb:

    Final Stralight Photoshoot

    The Electrics

    All the group pictures are now finished for the programme.

    Tuesday, 19 January 2016

    Crew Shots

    We had departmental pictures and a whole group shot:
    Whole crew
