Sunday, 31 January 2016

Starlight Express Get In 29th-31th

To test all the radio mics were working me and Sol had to test them
 individually by speaking into them.

We needed to hang the hanging miss so we suspended them
using someone putting their hand up on tip toes as a marker and
hung them, then we taped them along the rig.
We also had to gooseneck the hanging mics so they pointed towards
the cast.

We had to power up the radio mic channels using a daisy chain of
16 amp connectors.
We could see where the mics corresponded
as they appeared in orange when they were turned on. However
we realised that the units were the wrong way round as the
orange one in this picture is mic 1.
I placed all the headsets on the mic and placed them in the holder, However
they were getting quite tangled I need to find a better solution.
I also labelled up a pouch for old and new batteries. 
I could see what mic it was as it appeared on the display this
is number 8.
I tried using tan tape on Sol but it came off easily instead I used
a white tape that was less easily moved.
The mic don't have pop shields and sit on the face like this.

We will tape the back wire like this on the cast.

 Health and Safety (Sun)
As a cable was missing as a temporary fix the comms had to be fixed across the
tunnel making a trip hazard. It had a warning of the chair over it.

The tired seating has a slight lip on the stairs if not seen it could become a trip hazard.

When people were climbing the ladder it's important to spot the person, wear a hard hat and put your foot on.


When we had to flip the speakers I made sure I put chalk on the original position
so we could put it directly back.

The speaker tie was left on the floor and became a trip hazard.

We wore high visibility jackets to ensure we could be seen in the working environment .

The speakers were over hanging the stage block which created a
hazard as they could be knocked easily and not fully supported.

I spent most of the day preparing the programme for print.

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