Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Bugsy Malone-17/06/15-Lessons 3+4 and 5+6

Script Annotating 

Lesson 3: All of BTEC were given their role for Bugsy Malone, and our own blank script.
I was given the role of designing the projections, hence on my script I highlighted in green where there was potential for projections by using stage directions, songs and lines.

Lesson 4: I kept highlighting my script whilst also annotating if a sign, change of location or text was needed in the projection. I also discussed with Mr Hancock and Mrs de Lancy Green how we would show the projections and we came up with the rough idea of a large splat of 'splurge' on the bricks of the flats.
Projection Table and Ideas

Lesson 5: I finished annotating my script, then on Excel I made a table explaining what projections were needed for all 57 pages of the script. I discussed with Mrs de Lancy Green what annotations of projections were needed, and what was cut. On the table it showed the page number, if a sign was needed, just text, or a picture to show a change of location. And then any additional information and the location it's meant to be in.

Lesson 6: I finished the table and copied it into Illustrator ready to print and put in my folder. Once the table was finished, with Mr Hancock and Mrs de Lancy Green we discussed the potential style for the projections. We came up with idea of a cartoon style like the movie Sin City, where it's a harsh black and white with an isolated colour, such as pink, a key colour in Bugsy Malone is used. In this style it was agreed I'd do some mock up projections, whilst also researching and creating other styles. I am recording these findings in my inspiration page which I also started at the end of the lesson.
Sin City

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